Friday, November 26, 2010

A note from Chuck

So I came across this one day from another blog and I absolutely love it because it's so true. I have met the person that defines my definition of love... though it took me years to realize.

Pinoy Bailey's Recipe

Ok, so I don't know where I'm ever going to get Tanduay when I go back to Canada, but I'm frantically collecting memories for when I do go back. Here is a recipe for an amazing home-made Bailey's using the finest alcohols in the Philippines, the good 'ol Tanduay. Trust me, it's so delicious you won't remember a thing!


1 Bottle of Tanduay (250ml)
1 Bottle of water (500ml)
1 can condensed milk (168ml)
2 sachets of instant coffee (2 grams)

Add ice cubes, stir and ENJOY!

*Please mix to your own accord. Some people like it stronger and some people like it creamier. The best part about making this is the experimenting!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Messages in a bottle

When I was in Moalboal, I came across this little store tucked away on the side of the road. I probably would have missed it had I not noticed the trees lined with glass bottles. When I came closer I noticed every bottle had a message in it. I thought, wow, were these messages that had floated all the way across the ocean that people have just tied to these trees in Moalboal? No, they were put there by this lovely woman named Naomi. Her store was called Naomi's Bottle Museum, which was full of knick knacks, used books, these tiny hand-weaved, colourful baskets she called happiness baskets and these bottled messages which she would write out and place them inside. This little woman was so amazing and full of love. She brought out a giant bottle with a bunch of messages in them, shook it up and told us each to pick one.

Kyle's read:

You are continually changing as day passes. Your progress as a whole-being is a record of changes that bring you closer to the truth your spirit recognizes. Do not fear CHANGE. Trust that it brings the WISDOM you need. All is well...

 Mine read:

Persist and win! Try and try, and try again without fear - making your courageous spirit so inspiring. Your principle in life makes your days of your existence so worthwhile, so wonderful, so great. Yes... you are indeed great. All is well...

How beautiful. Sometimes Life brings you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

Noami's Bottle Museum
Pamagbama Beach, Moalboal, Cebu
Philippines 6032

Sunday, November 21, 2010

a mighty heart of garbage

So this morning we went to the Mandaue Landfill for the third time since we've been in the Philippines. Ify came with us for the first time. We got picked up happily by Tata and his son Philip and nephew JB who decided to come along. All of us made our way to the landfill with our packages eager to make another appearance with gifts. Little did we know just what we had in store.

You know when you arrive at the landfill because you can't miss it by the smell. It is enough to have your head spinning, but this time around was shocking. I've never seen it so... full of garbage. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but as my friend put it, judging by our previous pictures the landfill appeared to be livable and decently civilized. This time the paths were covered, mounds of garbage surrounded us on all sides and the houses we were trying to visit were not visible at all. Tata climbed on top of his jeepney to see if the houses were on the other side still.. sure enough they were. The kids working at the landfill were eager to be our guides. So we followed them pile over pile, our shoes getting covered with tar and muck and off we went in search of the usual families. But alas, they were nowhere to be found. Some were either off working or gone to church. Well, that's nice.

We did manage to find a few families, so after we loaded up the children with presents we handed out the remaining home by home. I felt sad that we didn't have more. I stood next to one of the women as her newest born baby pooped and peed in her arms. I watched as the flies immediately swarmed her. Why didn't I bring more towels or diapers or something for the babies? There are so many kids here and my clothing wouldn't fit them... yet at least. I watched as a few kids ran around naked by the garbage. I thought, why do they live here? What would it be like to grow up in a landfill? How do they get treated? A few mothers try to send their kids to school with their fathers collecting garbage, but how much do they have to collect? How do they feed themselves? My heart grew heavy knowing just how much garbage we create, how much food we consume and how much we take for granted everyday. I don't hear a word of complaint from them and I hear endless bitching, moaning and groaning from people who have everything. What a strange world.

We waved good-bye to the mother and the children as we boarded our jeepney and left the landfill. It's an experience I told myself, but it's a heart-breaking one. They choose to live this way, I thought to myself, but it's crazy. I can barely stand an hour in the landfill and there are people who live every single day that way. It's insane. I know there are squatters everywhere and some have chosen much more nicer places to live. Don't they realize how bad it is for their health? What about the kids? How do they shower? We got them toothbrushes with no soap or water. Sigh. Does it even make a difference what we do? I wish I could have done more. I wish I could have given more. But when you see their faces, it is their way. They don't know any other way, and in their hearts they don't believe there is another way for them. It is their home. It is their work. It is their life. And I am no one to judge them or change their opinion.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I just fell in love with Haji Springer

So I'm on this new tip because of iJustine. He's Haji Springer - THE Indian rapper doing his thang... I like just about any kind of music, but I'm rooting for this Indian rapper to stay in the game and not just be a new fad. Well, even if this song is his biggest hit... I wouldn't mind. Sorry guys, if you don't like this song, but I can't help it. Maybe you should watch iJustine dancing in the Apple store.

Gift Giving Season

It's about that time. It's almost Christmas time and like most people, I generally think about giving presents. Why? Because we were conditioned to and that is part of our culture on both sides of the world. Thankfully my family understands the real meaning of Christmas and that is to be grateful that we have each other. When we were younger of course we did the presents thing and in a small way we still do, but what I love the most is knowing I can go home and be completely warm and comfortable with them.

This weekend is my second last weekend here in the Philippines. I almost made it all the way to Christmas to celebrate with my family here in the Philippines, but there will be another year and hopefully all of my sisters can be there with me. Having family is a blessing which some are not so fortunate to have. 

I have managed to package at least 24 gifts for the families at the landfill. Altogether we spent roughly 1000php or $20 and we are able to give at least 24 gifts. I think that's pretty special. Although it won't be Christmas day, I want it to seem like it. Kyle and I bought toothbrushes, toothpaste, toys and stickers and I wrapped those items together with all of our donated clothing, purses, shoes and hats. The pile is mighty big, and apparently we have a few more people donating. Our trip back to the landfill will be our third time. We plan on going this Sunday, November 21st, which just so happens to be Fiesta. My mom here celebrates fiesta in commemoration of our dad. His birthday was the 22nd. Well dad, despite not remembering you... this one is for you.

The beauty of giving to the families at the landfill is because no matter what it is, they are appreciative of it. I don't need all of these clothes. Most of them are clothes I brought over and never even wore the whole year I've been here. Most are items, we've already spent time with and know that giving it to the families in the landfill would generate more happiness for them than it would ever generate for us. And that is the point of it all... to generate a little happiness. It is a two way street because by giving, it brings us happiness. I believe that these strong people probably deserve these gifts more than anyone else I could think of.

This weekend I will also be visiting the Albert Schweitzer Orphanage in Cordova. A few people from my old work are going to do a concert there on the 4th of December and I am sad I won't be able to make it. So I decided I would have to be there in spirit. This Saturday I will be teaching a few of the young boys how to mix paint and we'll be decorating the puppet stand where the hosting will take place from. Yes, the host of the concert is a puppet. How ADORABLE! See? See why I'm sad I won't be witnessing this?

Anyway, with this I've put together 70 small gifts for the kids which include a box of crayons, a notebook, a sticker and a love note. These are children who don't have families and who only have each other. It's the least I could do, and I feel it's very little. In my mind I wish I could have done more for these kids and for the landfill during my time here. I really wanted to open a center here for children who can't afford to go school and teach them everything creative. I never did that... but now I understand more of what it needs.

My plan for the future is to go back to Canada and save enough money so that I can come back here and spend almost all of my time with children all over the country for at least 2-3 months. In their summertime (April-June) children have nothing to do, which would be good for the center to exist so that children could have a place to hang out and learn. But during the weekends, I could also visit other children and bring the art to them. Children like at the Children's Village. Children in my community, children who have been molested by their families, children at the orphanage, the landfill and on the streets. There are so many possibilities here to help. There is more of a need for it here. 

Someone once told me that God created me with these blessings because I would give back. I was blessed with these talents so that I could also share with others. I won't forget that. I have been blessed with the knowing both sides of the world. I have been blessed with the experience of having nothing and having everything. I know what it's like to be a child who is unloved and abused. Sharing love with children is important to me, and despite all of my other dreams I want to accomplish, I must never get too side-tracked. I do have a greater purpose. In me there is a wild child who I must invest my time and love into, because she is the one that gives back. 

So... Santa baby, will you help me save enough money to come back and bring creativity to the children?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Words are like pictures in the sense that you can look at a picture and find many different meanings. When you write something or read something it may not have the same meaning for you as it would for someone else. The writer may also have meant something differently. When you write, you write with a tone in your head. It's your personal voice. When someone reads what you write, they read what their voice is reading. Do you understand? We can't take words so seriously, or too personally. They are after all just words and it is beautiful that just like a picture, words can mean so many different things to different people. It is how it becomes everyone's.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

confessions of a psychopath

My time here is ending. In fact 13 days and counting. What if I never wanted to leave? All this time I went back and forth between staying here or going back. And now that it's almost time, I falter in my step. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? And why is that always the question anyway. I could scrape out my insides right now for tearing up my mind. If someone were to take the images out of my mind during this moment, they would be scared. Yes, at times I really believe I am mental. Perhaps I am empty. Well, if I was empty, I would be more at peace. The honest fact is that I have many demons, as you must know if you read this completely pointless blog of mine. We all do. They say in order to battle your demons you must keep yourself busy. I must have a lot because I always want to be doing something. I am always doing something. I work when I should relax and when I relax I feel guilty. I want to go back and then I don't. I want to snowboard and then I want to kite surf. Who gave me these choices in the first place? There are always two sides. Yes, I know I am blessed. I am blessed because I have had experiences that gave me lessons that few are privileged to learn. I have gone to hell and back on my own accord and yes, I am blessed for being able to have that option. That choice. That feeling of knowing. But there are always two sides. What if I never knew what that was like? Sometimes knowing and having experiences can really screw your mind up. It distracts you from your purpose and you always are unsatisfied. Stupid miserable artist.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tips for Boracay

Hello everyone! I've been getting some messages about advice for Boracay on my Facebook, so I thought I'd try to give a little info here. I just recently got back so my recollection of it is fresh in my mind. Be sure that I will be going back! Ok so here we go.

Right now is low season so everything is much cheaper. High season is from March to June and the prices double. This is because it is considered summer in the Philippines so everyone is going out there.
When we were there it was fairly quiet, but still full of people from all over the world.

To get to Boracay you have to fly to Caticlan and then take a bangka boat. The best way is through Cebu Pacific because they have the cheapest deals. When you get to Boracay you will be greeted when you get off the plane and you will have option of having a guide go with you to the island. If you aren't familiar with the place it's not a bad idea to have them go with you. You can give them an idea of the place you'd like to stay at and your budget and they will show you the best places to stay.

Environmental fee: 50PHP/person
Boat fee: 25PHP/person
Motorbike fee: 50PHP/person that will drive you to the bangka

When you arrive at Boracay
Motorbike fee: 100PHP to take you the hotels and resorts.

When you leave Boracay the same fees will apply.
There will also be an airport fee when you check in which is 20PHP/person


Once you get off the bangka you have a choice of going to what they call "stations"
Station 1 is the high-end resorts.
Station 2 is the medium to high-end resorts
Station 3 is still being developed and is more budget friendly.
Whereever you stay you can access the whole beach.
We stayed in Station 2 at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos which is like a bungalow style resort. It is not a hotel because they have about 15 rooms and each one is built from bamboo and native materials. It is beautiful and surrounded by lush gardens. Although it is only a step away from the beach and the bars, it is still very quiet and peaceful. You really can't hear much of the partying if you decide to call in an early night.
When you stay for a week at any of the hotels, you automatically get one night free. 

Nightlife is everywhere. Lots of places have good deals.
There is always buffet for dinner at most restaurants, bands play everywhere and the food is great because you have lots of choices. Happy hour is at almost every restaurant. Nigi Nigi's was from 5-7pm, but if you walk towards Station 3 you can find Happy Hour from 2-10pm and the drinks are cheaper. 

Nigi Nigi had rooms from 1500PHP to 2500PHP. We stayed in Bucaw which was upstairs at it was 2000PHP a night. Beers are around 45-60PHP and the cocktails ranged from 155PHP-400PHP
Happy Hour meant you bought 1, but received 2.
If you walk towards Station 3 you can find the drinks during happy hour to start at 30PHP.

There are lots of bands that play during the evening. At One MGM they have buffet at night and have live music and fire spinners perform. Towards Station 1 you can find lots of DJ's, live bands and discos ready for you. If you want to eat all night long you can go to Jammers in Station 2. That's the best place to go after a night of drinking. 


We stayed for 4 days and 4 nights.
It was enough to do mountain biking, walking, swimming, snorkeling and island hopping.
You can take tours, ride zorbs, go diving and many more activities. There are 3 beaches. White Beach is the best and the most common. There is also another one (Bulobag) on the other side where there is kite surfing. It is only a 10 minute walk away. The other one is at the north tip of the island which is the smallest. We never actually went there though.

There is lots of places to buy souvenirs. The main area is D'Mall if you want more selection and nicer choices. You can bargain here too, but your prices will be more expensive so be sure to look around at all the stores to get prices to compare. There are places on the beach too if you want to purchase from the beach vendors - they are better for bargaining and the prices are cheaper, but they are also more persistent. You can bargain with just about anyone.

My advice is to just go and see for yourself and get a map once you go. This place is wonderful and is a nice mix of both western and eastern world. We've been to many islands in the Philippines and have been living on Mactan Island, so we have a good perspective on the difference. I would also recommend traveling to other islands to get a feel of the real Philippines. Each island is unique and although I love Boracay, I equally love the other islands I've visited.

Hope that helps... safe travels! If you want any more advice, please feel free to e-mail me.

distance can bring us closer

I've always believed that distance can make the heart grow fonder in every kind of relationship. About a month ago after coming back from the Children's Village, I wrote to one of my friends who has been a part of my inspiration as an artist. Over the past few months I have been learning the guitar and sort of freestyling songs as I go... this time I wrote one to her in the same manner - straight from the heart and out of my mind. If she wanted to, I said, she could play with the words and come up with a song. Like most ideas, I figured it would just be that - an idea. But to my surprise, a week ago I received an e-mail from her. She had gotten together with a few friends and composed this wonderful song. When I heard it I loved it so much, I knew I wanted to make a video. So I asked Kyle to help me shoot this idea I had and together in Boracay we turned our vacation into a memory, a video, an inspiration and something created from long distance love. 



We stayed at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos in Station 2 at White Beach, Boracay. Part of the video was shot at the resort. The rest was shot at White Beach and Bulabog Beach in Boracay. If you would like any information regarding this resort or the island, please e-mail me. I would highly recommend this place for any vacationer and I most certainly will be returning.

 For more information on May-Jun, please visit:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Freya my mermaid friend

Shooting part 2 of our mermaid tests with one of my best girls I met in the Philippines.


This past weekend a few friends and I decided to go to Moalboal in the southern part of Cebu. We left Friday afternoon, rented motorbikes and GTA-styled our way through the city and into the country parts, the mountains and the darkness to get to the lovely little town of Moalboal. It took us 4 hours and I lugged 4 giant paint cans on the back of the bike the whole way there. It was exhausting, beautiful and worth it. 

We arrived close to 8pm, ate a nice little meal and wondered the little strip of bars, restaurants and beaches. We stayed at Pacitas Beach Resort, the nicest place at the end of the strip and one of the cheapest. 700PHP for a night, 25p for the beer fridges, 15p for coke and water. Amazing. The little mini homes led out into a grainy beach and down stone stairs directly into the where old coral made up the majority beneath the water.

 We didn't stay up too late as we had an early start the following day. Our main goal of the journey was to meet Aida. I had been trying to meet with her for a few months now, but sadly I kept missing her due to our schedules.
She started a day centre where children are fed and schooled who are underprivileged and malnourished. Our mission was to brighten up the kindergarten room and fill it with visual aids and other fun colourful paintings that the children could use as references. We had one of the teachers even come help us and another friend we met on our last adventure with Lets-Share.

We started around 8am on Saturday. Being the one that instigated this, I still had no clue as to what we should be painting. I had to wait to see the room. After circulating ideas in my head, I knew we would do the alphabet around the top of the room, as well as numbers and shapes and a fun mural. We thought that as a kid it was fun to measure how tall you werre, so we painted a ruler near the front door.

While we began the painting, not too far down the road at Basdiot Elementary School, Lets-Share and Aida along with a few very well-known people (including members of the Rotary Club in Cebu) had organized a dental care and eye care for the people in the school. Free. This on-going mission will be brought to many children through the Philippines in the coming months. We didn't get to see much of the event as we were busy painting, but we did catch up to Aida and Richard at lunch where we joined them in eating the lovely food made just for the volunteers.

Our painting took us to just about 3pm, where afterward we rewarded ourselves with a swim in the ocean, mango shakes, delicious sandwiches and for a few a nice, long sleep. The rest of them went out to the disco and stayed out til all hours of the night. Our plan for the next morning was to visit White Sands Beach, swim, hang out and then take the long motorbike home around noon. We did just that and while it poured rain on us a good portion of the bike ride, we were nevertheless happy and satisfied when we arrived safely in Lapu-Lapu.

Moalboal is a beautiful place. Many tourists visit for the diving, the scenery and the small-town vibe. For us it was a place to clear our minds, be creative, and appreciate everything we have in our lives.

White Sands Beach, Moalboal

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My next series of art....

I am looking for something to paint, I said to myself today. I was checking out artwork from someone who inspires me - Positive Creations, he calls his work. He's so focused. His art is amazing. It brings the same vibes, the same style. Why can't I be that way? I thought to myself, well.. my artwork varies. I can't help but explore different ideas, different mediums. I am curious. I went through a whatever I want to paint stage in the beginning, to tropical sunset phase, to a buddhist phase, to a digital phase, back to a whatever I want to create phase... I have no direction with my art, and I don't mind. That's who I am.

"We are flowers of different colours" - Art
But with my art I like to create messages, provoke at least a feeling of love and transmute my inner demons so I can be a better person afterward. It's been a while since I've created. It's been a while since I've mused about a collection. The latest one is digital, with ART as my main character. He runs into all sorts of scenarios and comes out with a moral lesson. He is what reminds me to remember the lessons I've been taught. So there is he. 

But I thought to myself, what else? What haven't I explored. Simple. My culture. I am born in the Philippines, now living here and I have explored many parts of it and soaked up as much as it could visually offer me. So, why haven't I created it yet?
Well... I am now. My next series will be influenced by everything that influences the Philippines. Malay-Indo, Spanish, Chinese... 
Traditionally Filipino art involves weaving, wood, metalwork... a place I truly wished to visit was the 1000 Soil painting project of the Talaandig tribe. I missed it. However, I did get to see the wood art, where soil is melted and reshaped into beautiful jewelry.

As I googled "traditional filipino art" and searched through other filipino artists works, I notice.. there is nothing that particularly makes it filipino. The Fine Arts are everywhere. The same techniques and methods are taught, but we just express it differently. We express our experiences differently, just as we see them differently. 

So, I may say that my next series of art will be as close as I can get to the inspiration given to me by "traditional" art, but I have no idea where it will lead me or how it will look. Yet. 
I just need to close my eyes and think about the Philippines and become it as best as I can. 

It will be about the journey I took back into time, back into childhood, back into my roots where I came from and then coming out into the present.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

model zone..

A new project I'm working on, with my girl Freya being the first. We may not be the stereotypical runway models, but we all face the highs and lows of the job. I want to find people that do it for the art, that respect themselves, their bodies and their morals.

Monday, November 1, 2010

the art of entertainment

I love cameras. You can capture just about any emotion through them and you can instill any emotion through their images. Within this past year my love for this medium has grown. Both photography and video are creative avenues that I recognize I want to explore for a long, long time. It's with all forms of creativity that I feel free. I have an opportunity to express myself by any means and by doing so I am completely limitless. I am lucky for this. I hope people know they too are limitless. There is a form of creativity in everyone screaming to come out. It's the perfect release and the perfect struggle, where the woes and joys of your day come out in one brush stroke, one click of the camera, one work of art. That is what I love about creativity. The fact that once it's completed, you can let it go. You never have to think about it again. And you can move forward.