Friday, July 16, 2010

my birthday presents

I give myself permission to be happy.
I accept an abundance of wealth into my life.
I trust myself to succeed
And I will pick myself up when I fail.
I will not fear mistakes,
They are simply lessons.
I will allow love to flow out of me
And I will do so with an open heart.
I will be observant of my mind, 
And be listening to my heart.
I will know when it is right, 
But I will allow for opportunities.
I build myself up to gain strength
And confidence in my abilities.
I have no excuses.
I can be whatever I want.
I can learn whatever I want.
I can do what I put my complete self into.
I will not listen to negativity, 
In fact, I will only allow positivity to be in my life.
Even if it means having to shut off my mind.
I will only accept honesty from myself
And in my relationships.
I am dedicated to becoming a better person..
A stronger woman...
A more compassionate human... 

These are my gifts to myself. 
These are my presents from Life.
I've made it a quarter of a century...
And I am happy.