Wednesday, July 7, 2010

thank you death

I know, I know. 
We weren't going to talk about this.
Death isn't something we're supposed to talk about.
But how about nearly dying?
I just mean that I was lucky. 
One that I'm healthy and I'm happy.
Two, that my mind is changed. 
I'm feeling so different lately.
I care less about trivial things. I care more about my passions.
Shouldn't we know that lesson already?
Shouldn't we all just be living life one day at a time?
I worried about the future a lot. 
I can still... but... this time I stop myself.
I can only live today. That is all I can do for myself.
Do what I can today. Small things that can possibly lead to big things.
But the important thing is just what you do today.
That's it. 
That's all that near death wanted to teach me. 
I will never forget now. Thank you.