Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In the last 4 days..

I have...

...taken a boat to another island
...napped by the ocean
...felt the warm air kiss my face
...soaked my hair in blue-green water
...eaten marvelous food and drank tons of banana and mango shakes
...watched the sun set, watching red roses for valentines day being set up for dinner
...gathered in a circle with new friends in the sand watching the stars and laughing and drinking
...heard and saw fireworks
...gazed out the window watching the world of palm trees, green rice fields and tiki houses role by
...rang a bell on top of coral chocolate hills and made a wish
...toured across the laboc river on a floating restaurant listening to live guitar
...met the captain of a large ship and was asked to be his valentine
...spent hours in wardrobe for a film set
...went shopping for furniture for new offices at work 
...bought make-up for wardrobe and the film set
...meetings and meetings 
...and creating a plan to continuously help a local orphanage

Life can change so fast, but like the free bird, the best of us flow with the wind.