Tuesday, December 21, 2010

wrapping presents...

I'm in my basement putting together packages for the Shepperds of Good Hope. This is the third year that around Christmas I wrap gifts to bring to the shelter. A client of mine told me about it. I used to colour her hair and she told me one year of this. The Shepperds of Good Hope has this little gift-giving program. It's for people that can't always afford to purchase presents for their family. So the Shepperds of Good Hope asks people like you and I to donate what you can and wrap each item in clear wrapping paper so that people can come in and pick and choose the gifts that they want or the gifts that they will give. The past two years I've donated any leftover inventory from my art or clothing that I've created. This year I've been away in the Philippines and coming back I realized I have so many items I never missed while I was away. So I've been rummaging through everything and wrapping that which I do not need. I really don't need a lot.

So, while I'm not really one on forced gift-giving and commercial holidays, I do believe that this time of year is about giving and spending. Giving what you can whether it be love, hugs or kisses and spending time with loved ones, family and friends.

I should go back to wrapping the rest of those presents now. I'll most likely finish the rest in the morning. A friend of mine is kind enough to pick me up and take me to the shelter to donate the presents.

Happy holidays everyone. Love always and often.