Monday, February 1, 2010

A little update..

So my time in the Philippines so far has been quite lovely. I can already see the time flying by... and it hasn't even passed really. I have been in the Philippines one month now and so far I have managed to hang out with my family, paint with the pamungkins, film a documentary on me visiting my family, meet awesome people, go scuba diving and get certified, learn how to ride a motorbike and officially use it, do a photo shoot with an awesome chick, do voice over work and still writing up proposals for productions. My life is amazing.. even though there are some ups and downs. I just have to keep looking ahead and manage to be strong. All the time. Even around creepy people. I really am truly so lucky to have family here that love me enough to let me just... fit in. Well, as best as I CAN fit in.. because I am different, but not TOO different and not different in a bad way... This is what life gave me and since I accept responsibility for my life, then I better make the most of it.