Friday, November 19, 2010

I just fell in love with Haji Springer

So I'm on this new tip because of iJustine. He's Haji Springer - THE Indian rapper doing his thang... I like just about any kind of music, but I'm rooting for this Indian rapper to stay in the game and not just be a new fad. Well, even if this song is his biggest hit... I wouldn't mind. Sorry guys, if you don't like this song, but I can't help it. Maybe you should watch iJustine dancing in the Apple store.

Gift Giving Season

It's about that time. It's almost Christmas time and like most people, I generally think about giving presents. Why? Because we were conditioned to and that is part of our culture on both sides of the world. Thankfully my family understands the real meaning of Christmas and that is to be grateful that we have each other. When we were younger of course we did the presents thing and in a small way we still do, but what I love the most is knowing I can go home and be completely warm and comfortable with them.

This weekend is my second last weekend here in the Philippines. I almost made it all the way to Christmas to celebrate with my family here in the Philippines, but there will be another year and hopefully all of my sisters can be there with me. Having family is a blessing which some are not so fortunate to have. 

I have managed to package at least 24 gifts for the families at the landfill. Altogether we spent roughly 1000php or $20 and we are able to give at least 24 gifts. I think that's pretty special. Although it won't be Christmas day, I want it to seem like it. Kyle and I bought toothbrushes, toothpaste, toys and stickers and I wrapped those items together with all of our donated clothing, purses, shoes and hats. The pile is mighty big, and apparently we have a few more people donating. Our trip back to the landfill will be our third time. We plan on going this Sunday, November 21st, which just so happens to be Fiesta. My mom here celebrates fiesta in commemoration of our dad. His birthday was the 22nd. Well dad, despite not remembering you... this one is for you.

The beauty of giving to the families at the landfill is because no matter what it is, they are appreciative of it. I don't need all of these clothes. Most of them are clothes I brought over and never even wore the whole year I've been here. Most are items, we've already spent time with and know that giving it to the families in the landfill would generate more happiness for them than it would ever generate for us. And that is the point of it all... to generate a little happiness. It is a two way street because by giving, it brings us happiness. I believe that these strong people probably deserve these gifts more than anyone else I could think of.

This weekend I will also be visiting the Albert Schweitzer Orphanage in Cordova. A few people from my old work are going to do a concert there on the 4th of December and I am sad I won't be able to make it. So I decided I would have to be there in spirit. This Saturday I will be teaching a few of the young boys how to mix paint and we'll be decorating the puppet stand where the hosting will take place from. Yes, the host of the concert is a puppet. How ADORABLE! See? See why I'm sad I won't be witnessing this?

Anyway, with this I've put together 70 small gifts for the kids which include a box of crayons, a notebook, a sticker and a love note. These are children who don't have families and who only have each other. It's the least I could do, and I feel it's very little. In my mind I wish I could have done more for these kids and for the landfill during my time here. I really wanted to open a center here for children who can't afford to go school and teach them everything creative. I never did that... but now I understand more of what it needs.

My plan for the future is to go back to Canada and save enough money so that I can come back here and spend almost all of my time with children all over the country for at least 2-3 months. In their summertime (April-June) children have nothing to do, which would be good for the center to exist so that children could have a place to hang out and learn. But during the weekends, I could also visit other children and bring the art to them. Children like at the Children's Village. Children in my community, children who have been molested by their families, children at the orphanage, the landfill and on the streets. There are so many possibilities here to help. There is more of a need for it here. 

Someone once told me that God created me with these blessings because I would give back. I was blessed with these talents so that I could also share with others. I won't forget that. I have been blessed with the knowing both sides of the world. I have been blessed with the experience of having nothing and having everything. I know what it's like to be a child who is unloved and abused. Sharing love with children is important to me, and despite all of my other dreams I want to accomplish, I must never get too side-tracked. I do have a greater purpose. In me there is a wild child who I must invest my time and love into, because she is the one that gives back. 

So... Santa baby, will you help me save enough money to come back and bring creativity to the children?