Monday, June 7, 2010

It's traveling time

 The Beach
3 piece acrylic on canvas

 So I decided that before I leave the beautiful eastern world known as Asia, I have to explore it.
I will be heading from the islands of the Philippines to Kuala Lumpur, after which I will land in Phuket, Thailand. From there I will take a ferry to Phi Phi Island, where I will meet a good friend, soak up the ocean and eat copious amounts of yummy thai food. I also promised one of my girl friends I will go see her mother. Where she will proceed to feed me more. And all the while I am there the World Cup will be happening, so I'm sure there will be tons of screaming, shouting, happy fans drinking their faces into the ground.
After Phi Phi Island I will bus up to Bangkok, but I will be sure to avoid the Red Shirts. I like to stay away drama and negative energy. From Bangkok I will fly to Taipeii to visit another friend there. I am hoping I go somewhere up in the mountains and make myself feel very, very small. Like I made myself feel when I went to the Grand Canyon. I often like to remind myself that I'm a mere speck of sand because then I don't worry so much about everything in Life. After Taipeii, I will come back to the Philippines and hug my family.
My dear, dear family who accepted me long before I could accept myself.
And then after that... I will just continue to create art until I have to say, so long Philippines, but I must return to my other home now.