Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This is how you love

Inner turmoil, relentless waves and an open cage for a bird to fly away. In this case, hobbling with a slightly broken wing needing a moment to heal before taking flight into the vast open sky.
The cage is golden, shining with the colour of the sunset and twinkling like the stars in the night. Soft cushions and all good things seem to seep from the hinges and crevices, but the chains were bound fast within the mind.
Crushing hearts could be heard across the sky for the little bird was breaking.
Why leave a good thing.
Resentment rides high breaking spirits, breaking souls. Time and time again.
The sky is a big place and quite lonely.
The ground is comforting. Perhaps there is a happy medium.
It has opened it's cage doors to bring in the wind and whirl around the stars, shaping them like roses to say...
"I love you. Be free."