Monday, October 26, 2009

time alone

I need it. And sometimes I wish I had more of it. My battery seems to be extremely large and needs a lot of time to re-charge. Being alone does that. And these days, I've been feeling extremely.... introverted. I don't want to spend time with anyone. It's a struggle. I almost feel like I need to force myself to join society. I like one on one time. Time with people I don't have to talk to, listen to, or actually entertain. It's like I get an invitation and I shuffle around in my head wondering if this time will be more fun. More fun than staying at home. With myself and my cat. And then I go out, and I'm wishing I was back at home. What is the point? I am only happy when I am creating something. Not when I'm sitting at a table talking pointless babble to someone who doesn't really care. Or someone that actually only cares what I look like naked. Or someone that only really cares about their boyfriends. Or their money. I just don't care. Maybe that's why I envelope myself in my art, in my work, in creating... so I don't have to feel obligated to be a part of... lame conversations. Sigh. I hope this passes. Or I'll have to move into the bushes somewhere... somewhere far from society and only come into town to pick up more art supplies or collaborate on fascinating ideas with extremely fascinating, eccentric, wildly loving people.