Sunday, September 13, 2009

The art of doing nothing...

My idea of nothing however is to lie on my bed until I feel the need to wake up and type something like this. It also consists of roaming around in my pj's until I feel like showering. The biggest thing of all of this is that it inspires me to paint... which isn't really doing nothing. However, when I am in my art... it is that which stills my mind to nothing. No thinking.

Because goodness knows, these past few days have been consistent thought. What am I going to do with my Life? What am doing in this relationship, and could it even be called that? Do I really love my job? If I was to do something else, what would it be? Do I want to stay here, where it is so comfortable? And if I was to go somewhere... where would it be? Why does any of this matter?

"I am undergoing a process in which I must first break down my whole entire idea of myself, throw it in the air and wait to see where the wind takes those pieces. Then when they land, see what shape they will be in."