Friday, November 26, 2010

A note from Chuck

So I came across this one day from another blog and I absolutely love it because it's so true. I have met the person that defines my definition of love... though it took me years to realize.

Pinoy Bailey's Recipe

Ok, so I don't know where I'm ever going to get Tanduay when I go back to Canada, but I'm frantically collecting memories for when I do go back. Here is a recipe for an amazing home-made Bailey's using the finest alcohols in the Philippines, the good 'ol Tanduay. Trust me, it's so delicious you won't remember a thing!


1 Bottle of Tanduay (250ml)
1 Bottle of water (500ml)
1 can condensed milk (168ml)
2 sachets of instant coffee (2 grams)

Add ice cubes, stir and ENJOY!

*Please mix to your own accord. Some people like it stronger and some people like it creamier. The best part about making this is the experimenting!