Tuesday, February 9, 2010

For you, my Life

The wind rustling through the leaves of the palm trees. 
Life never seemed so easy as the breeze passes through me. 
I can see the sea and I smell relief even when there is still so much grief for my family. 
But these days go by and I see no reason why I can't smile. 
This high is incredible even when I can sink so low, even when I wonder where does this road go...

And I stand up on the balcony thinking this is where Life has me, peaceful serenity 
Regardless of when I feel morose, I still grow. I still grow. 
I am building my own foundation, listening to the sensations in my body and my mind.
Ah, so this is what it is to learn all the time.
The nights stir up a restlessness although quiet on the streets, I can still hear the beats. 

I can still hear the cocks crow. I can still see the lights glow. 
Oh baby, this place has me quite mesmerized.
And I stare at the sun sinking low, knowing on the other side of the world the sun rises high.
I see the colours fill the sky above and I know the best part about it is

I'm with people I love.