Thursday, October 29, 2009


because what I wake up for every day, and some days grudgingly leave the comfort of home for; what I call "work" I have now actually understood that it too is an art. It is not just a means to an end. And it is not just to pay my bills. It is my education. I am fortunate that in my profession, art and creativity come with the package and it is a bonus that it helps to pay the bills.

Like a crockpot...

Over the past few days I have noticed a change in myself and in the way that I operate at work. The place that I once felt love for, then irritation and frustration has now settled into a steady constant plateau. I have accepted that I will remain here for at least a little longer. Who knows when until, but while I am there I have decided (and I am inspired to use the term from my freewill astrology) to be like a crockpot; gradual, deliberate and thorough. Not only in my work, but in my art. I will feel at peace while I work. I will only do my work with the utmost quality, and I will try to achieve the best for myself in what I do. I will allow myself the freedom to learn, but I will have the confidence in myself that every move, every action, every creation be done with care. Quality. Control. I will focus on nothing but that task at hand as if I am sculpting a statue of gold. The only gold in the world. To put in the focus on that one task and do it well and with love, without criticizing myself or my work and also not mind anyone's opinions.. that is all I ask of myself. To be like a crockpot, cooking on slow heat, doing it's job and cooking up something entirely delicious, aromatic and to perfection.