Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For the sake of beauty...

They hold their breath underwater daily to see if they can reach three minutes. An image is created for the sake of exposure, in the hopes that one day they will become something. Ears are filled and plugged, eyes are blood shot and red, erotic dances are done, costumes are fitted, all for the sake of beauty. For the sake of money. For the sake of fun. Experience. Memories. For the sake of keeping one man happy. Is it worth it for them?
Do they drive down the streets looking in wonder in the life that is before them? Do they even really see? The people that cross the streets, beg for money, carry laundry on their heads, work hard from sunrise to way past sundown and then park their motorbikes quietly on the edge of the roads and rest their heads to await another day.
Do they search tirelessly for beautiful beaches, hoping, expecting this island to be nothing but paradise, but have they even bothered to read into the country deeper? Into the people? Do they realize all of these beach fronts are owned by foreigners before them? Beaches are not free here.
There is always a cost to pay for paradise.
Will they enrich their minds and learn another way of living? Or, will it be a constant battle inside, wishing, thinking, wanting it to be another way. Will they want to be in another place? And will they realize that when they leave... they will want to be back in the place they so very much wanted to leave?
It is like that.. to travel the world like a lonesome pirate, sailing to and fro, stealing treasure in the form of memories every place they go.