Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being silent

It's my second day of trying to be quiet and it's really hard not to speak.
I wonder if the little girl I met in Southern Leyte wants to speak all the time.
She's apparently a mute, but to me she's perfect.
When I first got off the bangka and met her on the beach, she just smiled and walked in the water next to me.
Her silence, even though it would be a "condition" was special.
It's special when you can be silent and still feel a presence... being able to communicate with no sound and still expel love. That's special.
Anyway, I realized that I try to speak more when I'm angry, but it's the best time for me to recognize my emotions. When you're angry most of the time you just want to speak it out loud and often in results in someone feeling hurt... or whatever. The damage is often on yourself because you don't recognize what it is that is making you angry. Just yesterday, my first day being silent, I learned that being angry is just an energy. And it can be laughed at, especially when you can feel the signs that your body sends you.
It was nice to know that my friends respected it. I met up with them in a cafe for lunch today, and everyone talked to me normally anyway... and laughed when I tried to reply in the form of charades.
I carry a pen and paper with me and when I bring it out, it's often the sign that I've failed in charades communication. It's funny though.. communication is often what we have problems with as humans, even when we can speak out loud. I wonder what I'll learn out of all this, and how long it will continue for, but I'm really enjoying it. It's fun and really interesting. I think maybe in the end it will just teach me how to listen more... to myself and others. A lot of people really don't have anything important to say... they just like to fill in the silence. I think when I do speak, it will have to worth talking about.

Tomorrow I will be going to Camiguin. It's a little island just north of Mindanao. The place where I'll be staying at is a little resort called Enigmata, which is dedicated to art and sustainable living. They hold workshops for kids on the weekend and I spoke to the artists and the owner. They told me I could do art with the kids. The best part about being with children and doing art, is no one has to say anything.

This is the type of place where I can be in silence and be at peace... I'll have to tell you how it goes.

If you want to see where I'll be, check out their website:
Enigmata TreeHouse Eco lodge