Thursday, January 20, 2011

fortune readings

I've never had my fortune read before. I've always wanted it, but between palm readings, tarot readings and psychics, I just thought it was way too much and who cares anyway. Well the other day I decided I would go eat dinner with a friend of mine who regularly visits this Thai family. She had mentioned to me that they had read her palm and counted her fingers and knew her past and saw her future. I know, it all sounds super silly. So I decided I would join her to see what would happen. 
I'll have to mention that they barely spoke any English, so the whole night was being translated for me. 
After eating the most amazing dinner my friend mentions how I'd like to have my palm read. This family is very spiritual and they have been doing this for years, passed down in their family and so on. If you don't know much about Thai culture, please take the time to do so. 
Anyway, long story short, numbers, lines and 4 hours later they told me everything I knew and wanted to know. Well... who knows if I wanted to know really.. but I get the whole picture now. I'm not going to divulge what was said or what happened, but it was very personal and memorable.. and definitely life-changing. My fortune stays beside my bedside. What I will tell you, is that I know I have to continue to give thanks every single day - A LOT of thanks. And that no matter what happens, I need to stay away from boys until I'm 30.