Saturday, November 14, 2009

I'm lucky...

...To already know the meaning of Love.
...To have already experienced true Love
...To have been taught the true meaning.. and
...To be able to know the difference... and
...To have the knowledge on how to truly Love.

Saturday Night

I was lying on my bed next to my brand new snowboard wondering if it really was a suitable, logical purchase considering my funds. And then I came to an abrupt conclusion. The cure to all doubts is the knowledge that I may die at any moment. My snowboard brings me more happiness than most other things, especially in the winter. Can that really have a value? I might as well enjoy it and scrape up every morsel of happiness I can muster out of it. Regardless of the cost. Besides, I probably paid for the meal of a couple families in the process. And me, I get to have fun.