Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My next series of art....

I am looking for something to paint, I said to myself today. I was checking out artwork from someone who inspires me - Positive Creations, he calls his work. He's so focused. His art is amazing. It brings the same vibes, the same style. Why can't I be that way? I thought to myself, well.. my artwork varies. I can't help but explore different ideas, different mediums. I am curious. I went through a whatever I want to paint stage in the beginning, to tropical sunset phase, to a buddhist phase, to a digital phase, back to a whatever I want to create phase... I have no direction with my art, and I don't mind. That's who I am.

"We are flowers of different colours" - Art
But with my art I like to create messages, provoke at least a feeling of love and transmute my inner demons so I can be a better person afterward. It's been a while since I've created. It's been a while since I've mused about a collection. The latest one is digital, with ART as my main character. He runs into all sorts of scenarios and comes out with a moral lesson. He is what reminds me to remember the lessons I've been taught. So there is he. 

But I thought to myself, what else? What haven't I explored. Simple. My culture. I am born in the Philippines, now living here and I have explored many parts of it and soaked up as much as it could visually offer me. So, why haven't I created it yet?
Well... I am now. My next series will be influenced by everything that influences the Philippines. Malay-Indo, Spanish, Chinese... 
Traditionally Filipino art involves weaving, wood, metalwork... a place I truly wished to visit was the 1000 Soil painting project of the Talaandig tribe. I missed it. However, I did get to see the wood art, where soil is melted and reshaped into beautiful jewelry.

As I googled "traditional filipino art" and searched through other filipino artists works, I notice.. there is nothing that particularly makes it filipino. The Fine Arts are everywhere. The same techniques and methods are taught, but we just express it differently. We express our experiences differently, just as we see them differently. 

So, I may say that my next series of art will be as close as I can get to the inspiration given to me by "traditional" art, but I have no idea where it will lead me or how it will look. Yet. 
I just need to close my eyes and think about the Philippines and become it as best as I can. 

It will be about the journey I took back into time, back into childhood, back into my roots where I came from and then coming out into the present.