Monday, November 30, 2009

funny days..

There is nothing to say that hasn't already been said before. I piece together the puzzle slowly, analyzing each colour and shape that could be the perfect fit. Have I mentioned how I like my solitude? The same cycle is always recurring. Now I can tell you when they full moon is coming. I am always going to feel this no matter where I am. It may be a little less, or a little more, but nonetheless this.... this feeling may linger.
It's been a wild year. I accomplished more than I realized and even then it was just on such a small scale. I see big things and take small steps. I can take my whole life to build my empire, remembering that it too does not have much significance. The way people remember you will sum up your whole existence. It is short, our time. But time is endless, there is so much time for everything. There is time to be happy about speckles of white fluffy clouds falling from the sky. There is time to dance around and type endless babbling on a screen that eventually will take away your vision. Perhaps I should enjoy this limbo I am in. Often it is the anticipation of what is to come that is more fun than what actually comes. I am free, free, free, free... for now. But I feel like an animal that has chosen to leave it's home: frightened, excited and alone. Ah, but I suppose I have lived my entire life like that. What is the difference now?