Friday, October 5, 2012

Alone together

I watched a TED talk that fascinated me. It was by a woman named Sherry Turkle on how technology has impacted our lives and not necessarily for the better. I haven't stopped thinking about it. In fact it's led me to be more aware of how often I'm on my phone, how often I check my mail etc etc. It affects the way we communicate. It affects who we are. We can no longer have conversations without our mind wandering, without our hands idling or reaching for our phone to text. We can't sit and interact as well as before and we most certainly have forgotten how to be alone. I lay here and type this wondering how it came to this.. Me in the dark typing my thoughts on a screen, my pen and paper long forgotten. Well I think it is time to go back. Reconnect the proper way. Talk, Write, focus on one thing. Be alone. Be silent. Be in peace.