Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So this is how it is..

I am re-enacting a free bird. Ok, not quite so much free as sitting at the opened cage door, peering out into the world with wide eyes. I am no longer afraid, but I am excited. The last few days have been a sort of ache. A lump lodged into my throat and a burning in my belly. What will I do with my Life? And why is it all bubbling up now when weeks earlier I seemed perfectly content with the direction of my Life. Or had I been lying to myself all along? Sort of brushing off my little inner voice that screamed "FREE ME! THIS CAN'T BE ALL YOU WERE CREATED FOR?"

I must be honest with my Self and follow my heart into contentment... even if I have no idea where that path is supposed to start and where it will take me. I asked for a life of experience, one where I can learn and take a journey into my Self. I wanted to find out who I really am. DEEP inside me. Well... here it is folks. The little spark has ignited and each day it is burning brighter. I plan to take this little spark and one day have it engulf the sky in arrays of purples, reds, oranges and yellows. Until then, it starts here. Today... this minute. It is a stepping stone that I must appreciate. I can only move from here, from now. And as I have discovered, I need practice with that. More practice and more solitude.