Saturday, May 15, 2010

je suis heureuse

Freedom to dance. Freedom to sing. Freedom to do my own thing. I know my own potential, but yet I still do not trust that I can fly. I know what I don't want, even if I don't always know why. Funny how in a blink of an eye I can time travel. I look back and think, wow, was that ever a ride. These past four months of interning was incredible. I have the option to return if I want. Can I do it? Would I? There are yeses and there are nos. Truth be told I can't answer it right now. I am trying to relax at the moment. I have been sleeping all day and eating pineapple. I can hear the birds out the window and I can see the sun is about to set. I am content right now. I don't need to worry about the future or what I want. I just know that I will know when I get there. I accept the twists and turns and the uncertainty. I like the challenge it gives my mind. Even if it drives me insane sometimes. Today, today is a beautiful day. Just like the day before and the day before and the day before. I think I need to sit on the beach. Or under a waterfall. Perhaps I should paint. Or, I should just go back and lie down and contemplate away.Yeah. I like that. I will also drink Sprite.