Friday, December 24, 2010

my grandma margaret

I've spent the past two days with my grandma after a year of being away. I've always been impressed by her never ending ability to create and her unsurpassed energy. At 90 her mind is as sharp as a whistle and she manages to keep her calendar marked full of social events that even I have trouble keeping up with. Her mental energy and her physical energy out weigh any person I know my age. The things that she keeps herself busy with, from knitting, quilting, baking, gardening, mixing concrete for stepping stones, painting and dancing, is impressive. I only hope to learn from her all of these skills that she's kept up with for so many years.

We had a long chat last night as she sat at the foot of my bed and just like school girls we talked about boys, love and stressful relationships. Within the past 3 months she has managed to acquire 1 younger boyfriend who can dance with her all night and then another also younger gentlemen who drives her around, mixes her beer and tomato juice and kisses her goodnight when they part ways. She grins at me when she talks about him and I can almost feel her heart beat a little faster. She tells me how the two men are best friends and she met the second one through the first one. When I ask her if the first one minds her dating his best friend after, she says, 'Oh no! I still go out dancing with the first one, but this new guy...(she has a twinkle in her eye) he's really just so kind." She stops a minute looks at me with another big grin and says, " But I can have my cake and eat it too!" She laughs and I laugh and I look at her in amazement. "I really lucked out," she said. And I think so too, but so did he. Anyone with my grandma for a girlfriend really has a woman that will keep them on their toes but will love the hell out of you. She asks me what I think of him and I tell her, "I really like him grandma, he's a keeper!" She smiles and hugs me.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for love, but listening to her talk inspires me to know that if I never find a "keeper" now, then at least at her age I can.