Friday, October 23, 2009


I didn't think it was possible to get overwhelmed by your feelings for an activity. I also didn't think it was possible for a person such as myself to become overwhelmed by someone. But it has happened. I am completely devoted, ridiculously enamored, hopelessly head over heels and passionately in servitude for my best friend and for art. I can't even describe to you in words how intense it's becoming. Sometimes I can't even breathe. I can't even WRITE this. My heart fills up. My throat contracts. My insides ache for more. And it gets more intense when I think about the two. For fuck's sake, it's only 8am. I have to get ready for work. And the funny thing is. I'm so excited to get the work day over with. But not because it's over and I can go home and do nothing. But because I can go home and envelope myself in fun and creativity.. and when I'm lucky enough to have the same schedule, envelope myself in him.