Sunday, May 30, 2010

I remember.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Deeper now.
Once more. Twice again. Third time around.
I love when movies take you to a better place.
Like books.
You know it's all so crazy.
Which is the dream. Which isn't?
Is it all just a dream? If that is so then I can make it all happen.
Can't I? Who says I can't anyway?
My brain. Society. You.
If it's you then I don't want to believe it. You should be encouraging me to be everything.
And nothing all at the same time.
Can you do that? Because to me, you are a genius. You are a bright shooting star.
I wrote two songs and recorded them. They remind me of you.
What? You don't believe you're a genius? Well... maybe not "you" then. Just whatever controls you.
Ah, your brain. The brain does everything doesn't it? It even makes us second guess ourselves.
It also makes us forget to breathe when it's got all of this thinking.
You know we are natural multi-taskers, but do we breathe while we're doing it?
Isn't that the most important thing? If we don't breathe how can we think properly.
Our brain will be lacking oxygen. I think I'm lacking oxygen a lot because often my brain thinks funny.
It thinks too much and makes me forget to breathe.
It can be helped you know. I don't have to do what everyone else is doing.
I don't actually have to listen to my mind. The universe will take care of that.
It's the enigma, the actual mystery as to what happens to us on a day to day basis.
Minute by minute we are changing. And then I think of eating a bag of fucking chips.
It's madness. All I want to do is to be able to enjoy nature and enjoy breathing and enjoy life
in a content state. I want to be able to balance the spiritual with the materialistic and I want to
walk with a pure mind void of judgment. Didn't I know that already?
What happened to practicing that? Ah, yes. I forgot all about it when I traveled across the ocean
and lost myself.
Yes. I lost me. In this hurricane madness... and the challenge was not getting here. It was not getting the job.
It was not being with family. The real challenge was whether or not I could find myself after the winds died down, the magma stopped flowing and the floods ceased.
I am still here after all. Breathing.
Thank the Universe. It hasn't given up on me yet.
Who am I. I am remembering again. I am loving it.
It's so ridiculously funny and exciting.
I am singing more. My heart is singing more to the beat of my breath.
Deeper I go.