Sunday, November 14, 2010

Tips for Boracay

Hello everyone! I've been getting some messages about advice for Boracay on my Facebook, so I thought I'd try to give a little info here. I just recently got back so my recollection of it is fresh in my mind. Be sure that I will be going back! Ok so here we go.

Right now is low season so everything is much cheaper. High season is from March to June and the prices double. This is because it is considered summer in the Philippines so everyone is going out there.
When we were there it was fairly quiet, but still full of people from all over the world.

To get to Boracay you have to fly to Caticlan and then take a bangka boat. The best way is through Cebu Pacific because they have the cheapest deals. When you get to Boracay you will be greeted when you get off the plane and you will have option of having a guide go with you to the island. If you aren't familiar with the place it's not a bad idea to have them go with you. You can give them an idea of the place you'd like to stay at and your budget and they will show you the best places to stay.

Environmental fee: 50PHP/person
Boat fee: 25PHP/person
Motorbike fee: 50PHP/person that will drive you to the bangka

When you arrive at Boracay
Motorbike fee: 100PHP to take you the hotels and resorts.

When you leave Boracay the same fees will apply.
There will also be an airport fee when you check in which is 20PHP/person


Once you get off the bangka you have a choice of going to what they call "stations"
Station 1 is the high-end resorts.
Station 2 is the medium to high-end resorts
Station 3 is still being developed and is more budget friendly.
Whereever you stay you can access the whole beach.
We stayed in Station 2 at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos which is like a bungalow style resort. It is not a hotel because they have about 15 rooms and each one is built from bamboo and native materials. It is beautiful and surrounded by lush gardens. Although it is only a step away from the beach and the bars, it is still very quiet and peaceful. You really can't hear much of the partying if you decide to call in an early night.
When you stay for a week at any of the hotels, you automatically get one night free. 

Nightlife is everywhere. Lots of places have good deals.
There is always buffet for dinner at most restaurants, bands play everywhere and the food is great because you have lots of choices. Happy hour is at almost every restaurant. Nigi Nigi's was from 5-7pm, but if you walk towards Station 3 you can find Happy Hour from 2-10pm and the drinks are cheaper. 

Nigi Nigi had rooms from 1500PHP to 2500PHP. We stayed in Bucaw which was upstairs at it was 2000PHP a night. Beers are around 45-60PHP and the cocktails ranged from 155PHP-400PHP
Happy Hour meant you bought 1, but received 2.
If you walk towards Station 3 you can find the drinks during happy hour to start at 30PHP.

There are lots of bands that play during the evening. At One MGM they have buffet at night and have live music and fire spinners perform. Towards Station 1 you can find lots of DJ's, live bands and discos ready for you. If you want to eat all night long you can go to Jammers in Station 2. That's the best place to go after a night of drinking. 


We stayed for 4 days and 4 nights.
It was enough to do mountain biking, walking, swimming, snorkeling and island hopping.
You can take tours, ride zorbs, go diving and many more activities. There are 3 beaches. White Beach is the best and the most common. There is also another one (Bulobag) on the other side where there is kite surfing. It is only a 10 minute walk away. The other one is at the north tip of the island which is the smallest. We never actually went there though.

There is lots of places to buy souvenirs. The main area is D'Mall if you want more selection and nicer choices. You can bargain here too, but your prices will be more expensive so be sure to look around at all the stores to get prices to compare. There are places on the beach too if you want to purchase from the beach vendors - they are better for bargaining and the prices are cheaper, but they are also more persistent. You can bargain with just about anyone.

My advice is to just go and see for yourself and get a map once you go. This place is wonderful and is a nice mix of both western and eastern world. We've been to many islands in the Philippines and have been living on Mactan Island, so we have a good perspective on the difference. I would also recommend traveling to other islands to get a feel of the real Philippines. Each island is unique and although I love Boracay, I equally love the other islands I've visited.

Hope that helps... safe travels! If you want any more advice, please feel free to e-mail me.

distance can bring us closer

I've always believed that distance can make the heart grow fonder in every kind of relationship. About a month ago after coming back from the Children's Village, I wrote to one of my friends who has been a part of my inspiration as an artist. Over the past few months I have been learning the guitar and sort of freestyling songs as I go... this time I wrote one to her in the same manner - straight from the heart and out of my mind. If she wanted to, I said, she could play with the words and come up with a song. Like most ideas, I figured it would just be that - an idea. But to my surprise, a week ago I received an e-mail from her. She had gotten together with a few friends and composed this wonderful song. When I heard it I loved it so much, I knew I wanted to make a video. So I asked Kyle to help me shoot this idea I had and together in Boracay we turned our vacation into a memory, a video, an inspiration and something created from long distance love. 



We stayed at Nigi Nigi Nu Noos in Station 2 at White Beach, Boracay. Part of the video was shot at the resort. The rest was shot at White Beach and Bulabog Beach in Boracay. If you would like any information regarding this resort or the island, please e-mail me. I would highly recommend this place for any vacationer and I most certainly will be returning.

 For more information on May-Jun, please visit: