Monday, November 1, 2010

the art of entertainment

I love cameras. You can capture just about any emotion through them and you can instill any emotion through their images. Within this past year my love for this medium has grown. Both photography and video are creative avenues that I recognize I want to explore for a long, long time. It's with all forms of creativity that I feel free. I have an opportunity to express myself by any means and by doing so I am completely limitless. I am lucky for this. I hope people know they too are limitless. There is a form of creativity in everyone screaming to come out. It's the perfect release and the perfect struggle, where the woes and joys of your day come out in one brush stroke, one click of the camera, one work of art. That is what I love about creativity. The fact that once it's completed, you can let it go. You never have to think about it again. And you can move forward.