Friday, June 11, 2010

mirror images

Did you know when you look into the mirror you are just looking at the backwards version of yourself?
You aren't really looking at the true you, because it is just a reflection of you. It is not really how everyone else views you. I've been thinking a lot about that lately and I've decided I'm going to stop being backwards. I have to look at myself straight on and really, really ask myself what is it that I desire most. What are my ambitions? What are my goals? What are my passions? I need to do this often because society has this way of making me look at myself backwards. It's like society is this mirror and it tells me what I look like, but it's not really true. It's just showing me the backwards version of myself. I will look into the mirror and tell it, NO! Show me who I really am! Show me exactly what I look like! This year I promise I will cast all my fears, break that mirror and shine, shine, shine.