Sunday, July 11, 2010

dancing with dreams

I love Sundays. 
I'm typing one handed in this sweltering heat.
I refuse to turn on the air con because it shoots out a nest of ants.
It's a little disturbing. 
So I'm at my sisters.
We just finished talking about this art school I want to open.
Though I think she wants it more.
Which is exciting, because it motivates me. 
I'm just scared.
I'm going to do it, but there is no rush.
Like I've said before, I can only do what I can do today.
No looking too far ahead.
No thinking too much.
i'm just going to do what I love
and try to make it possible for others to do what they love.
Or at least try and learn.
No rushing.
Just small steps.
I dreamt I danced with Brad Pitt.
I've never had a dream about a celebrity before.
Maybe it means I'll meet him. hahaha yeah right.
I looked it up. It has something to do with thinking about
possessing qualities of that celebrity.
I don't really care, but all I know is it made me want to dance.
So I'm starting a dance class.
I've decided that no matter how long it takes, 
I'm going to do everything I dreamed of.
Baby steps, but I will take action. I will try.
I can do anything I put my mind and heart into.
I can be whatever I want.