Friday, July 2, 2010

fingernails tap on plastic

I like writing. Do you?
I wouldn't really like to think of this as writing. In a way it is. 
It's typing. Typing is different from writing. 
I write in my sketchbook. Do you find that odd? That I would write in a sketchbook?
Aren't words drawings anyhow?
Let me interrupt myself here. 
I find when people do something they were normally meant to do, 
like sit up straight... it can look rather odd. 
Moving on. 
I've decided that I talk too much.
I decided I like being with my family because I don't have to speak.
I realize that my ego can be too big even when it was on the brink of death.
It's too big and it wants people to know too many things that are unimportant.
I've decided that anytime I want to tell someone of something that happened, 
I'm not going to. 
I'm not going to tell people what I've been doing. Or what I think of doing.
Or what I should do. 
Because really it's unimportant to me. It's only important to my ego.
Which is only useful when I am creating. 
If I didn't have my ego there, I wouldn't be good at making art
Because I compete with myself. When My Self tells my other Self my work is dumb, 
It makes me want to kill it and make something that isn't so dumb.
So in other words, I fight myself. Life is like that. We fight ourselves.
Even if it's dumb.
So I've decided spoken words of what I do is unimportant. 
I just need to do it. And if people notice, then they notice.
If they don't notice, they weren't meant to.
And I  shouldn't care, because I'm the only person that should care if I notice.
Did I do what I told myself I would do?
Did I do it well?
Did I try to do what I thought about doing?
Did I do it with a smile and was it fun?
That's all that matters. 
None of this other stuff matters. 
Oh, it's a bonus if it makes other people smile.
Actually, that's mainly what I am here to do in life. 
Make people happy.
But I don't need to tell people that. 
I don't need to tell people that's what I'm trying to do. 
It doesn't matter. 
I love you for reading this. 


sorry I've been a little morbid, but I think I'm getting better now.
Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.
I just want everyone to know I love them.
I love you.