Saturday, October 17, 2009

the beauty in the breakdown...

The sun was about to set as I emerged from the Rideau Centre. I had immediately forgotten the construction going on with Mackenzie King Bridge. The once two way bridge had been closed in half so that the one side had officially been turned into the only side. They had constructed a makeshift platform with temporary bus stops while the bridge was being broken down to be built back up, better. Stronger. Don't we go through that in our wonderful mess of depression that we face every so often. Or maybe too often?

I stepped onto the bus and took a seat at the back facing the back doors. The bus lurched forward and I watched as an ambulance with it's bright lights pulled right up in front of the Rideau Centre entrance, cutting the bus off. We waited a few moments before the bus started up to creep forward again along the bridge. I silently gazed out the windows seeing the fences and construction men pass by before my eyes. We crossed the canal and I noticed the sun setting and it's reflection off the water. I noticed the way that it lit up the side of the Chateau Laurier, and how it seemed to wink at me through the trees, the buildings and through the fences that were meant to protect us from the danger of construction.

How funny we were being protected from construction when it looked like destruction. I was slightly taken aback by how calm it made me feel, and how plainly simple it was to me as I reveled in how I actually enjoyed feeling the disorder that it brought. The way people looked around, without their knowledge.. in awe. Things should be shaken up every once in a while. Things should be broken down even if they don't look they needed fixing. Sometimes the outcome is much better and sometimes it is necessary. I liked the confusion it brought. I could understand why it would confuse and irritate people when things were out of order.. when things weren't perfect as they had been the day before.

But really, don't we all find a way to make it work for us? Don't we just find a way to work around it? And eventually doesn't the chaos almost feel... normal? We end up going about our day just the same, with a minor adjustment in our plans. And when everything is back to normal... won't we just forget about all that disorder we once complained about anyway?

Ah. What a beautiful thing to see it all clearly now.