Thursday, March 4, 2010

heaven really is on earth

Since the last weekend has passed, I have just been experiencing more beauty and love to touch my heart and my soul. I have seen first hand what team work is, what collaboration is, what smooth, efficient productivity is. What passion is. We have created art, we have made concepts come to life and we have done it all on our own time. And we know there is much, much, much more to come. Life is an experience.

Life is beautiful. Especially when you're out in the middle of the ocean, paddling away from a quaint island full of life, and watching as the sun sets below the sparkling, fiery ocean. A weekend of creative production that ends with a full moon rising at your front and a gorgeous sunset at your back. The feeling of coasting along the waves, feeling as they splash your skin with the wind in your hair, a clear, open starry sky above you and amazingly talented friends at your back. How can this not be heaven on earth? 

I am making my own heaven by surrounding myself in everything that inspires me and everything that drives me.