Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The longest day has passed again

For the past few hours I've been going through my past writing in order to compile a book. Going through my old writing on MYSPACE (<--- click the link to visit my old writing) is like going through my soul. It's interesting when you go through your past just how much it repeats itself. We keep going through the same things until we learn our lesson. Or perhaps I'm just a broken record. Perhaps I'm just a glitch in time.

Oh silly woman.

So since we last met, I have since stopped working full-time, focused on my art, became engaged, went to Cuba and am now working on my book and my wedding details.

I believe that my perspective on time is different from everyone else and that what most people can achieve in 3 years, I will achieve in 3 months. I create time with my mind and that is why people probably think I am crazy.

I also lead others to believe that I am some wild woman when in reality I am a humble housewife. I want to make babies. I want to make art and I love to cook. Somewhere in there I became a traveler, but since my last flight to Cuba I discovered I am not really fond of flying. Traveling either. Sigh. I've been moving my whole life and at some point I would really like to stand still.

You know that stillness that you get when you wake up so early that the mist is still covering the ground and you can see your breathe? The kind of stillness that if you close your eyes you can hear the sound of the wind in the palm trees on the other side of the Earth?

Yes, that stillness.

But I am now working on finding that "spot" within myself. So to be still among all the chaos and all the din created by my mind and humanity. No matter where I am in the world I'd like to be able to close my eyes with my eyes open and hear palm trees blowing in the wind.

It sounds like rain.


I'm testing this out to see if this works. Walking around writing and
posting to my blog from my cell phone. Sigh. Technology.