Thursday, November 25, 2010

Messages in a bottle

When I was in Moalboal, I came across this little store tucked away on the side of the road. I probably would have missed it had I not noticed the trees lined with glass bottles. When I came closer I noticed every bottle had a message in it. I thought, wow, were these messages that had floated all the way across the ocean that people have just tied to these trees in Moalboal? No, they were put there by this lovely woman named Naomi. Her store was called Naomi's Bottle Museum, which was full of knick knacks, used books, these tiny hand-weaved, colourful baskets she called happiness baskets and these bottled messages which she would write out and place them inside. This little woman was so amazing and full of love. She brought out a giant bottle with a bunch of messages in them, shook it up and told us each to pick one.

Kyle's read:

You are continually changing as day passes. Your progress as a whole-being is a record of changes that bring you closer to the truth your spirit recognizes. Do not fear CHANGE. Trust that it brings the WISDOM you need. All is well...

 Mine read:

Persist and win! Try and try, and try again without fear - making your courageous spirit so inspiring. Your principle in life makes your days of your existence so worthwhile, so wonderful, so great. Yes... you are indeed great. All is well...

How beautiful. Sometimes Life brings you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

Noami's Bottle Museum
Pamagbama Beach, Moalboal, Cebu
Philippines 6032