Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Kids of the Islands

Island Inhabitants

Dinner time

Hats for Sale

Don't be pathetic

I am not so sure. 
These characters that I play become entangled into one.
I wear these glasses to cover up my eyes. 
I wear the other kind so I am not blind.
Who says this is how you're supposed to be? 
Why are we victimized by society?
No one is impressed. 
No one cares how you dress. 
No one knows that your life is a mess.
But you. You are the only one who defines just the way you are.
Yet, we are here to show the world just who we are. 
Oh, but we silly creatures.. we take ourselves so seriously.
Fools, how we are when life is just a game. 
Come find me with my silly little scarf. I can wear it so well.
I can wear many faces if I so choose 
Because I have decided I can be whomever.
If I am silly enough to believe myself in all my seriousness, 
Then I am silly enough to play the game. I dress up for me. 
And it is you that cares. Because you are just as silly. 
So don't be pathetic, quit lying to yourself.
You have no idea where you are going, just like the rest of us.
Let us then, simply enjoy our own stupidity together. 
Our own stupid, serious, silly little game of dress up and chase the rainbow.
We can only go as far as then, now and tomorrow.