Friday, December 4, 2009

Wrinkled sheets

It's 5am and I can't sleep. This is what happens when you go to bed at 9pm.I work in a few hours and have yet to go back to bed. I wish I could sleep all day, but today is busier than ever. My head is full of garbage. I haven't been to yoga in a month and I think I really need to go, but there seems to be more to do before I go than ever. Yes, I gave my notice. Yes, I'll be in the Philippines in a month. Yes, I'm excited. Yes, I am terrified. Yes, I have all these ideas. Yes, I need to implement them. Yes, I know I can do all of them. Yes, I will miss my best friends, my partners, my bed, my cat, my apartment, my independence. Yes, I am thrilled. Yes, I will be back. When... I just don't know yet. The end of the year is near, and it's only new beginnings from here.