Saturday, December 4, 2010

the beauty of where I was and the beauty of where I am now...

Coming back to Canada was a shock in many ways, both good and bad.
At first I was going to tell you about all the things I hated and all the things I miss about the Philippines, but I can't. The worlds are so different that there is just no comparison. There are too many things here that I equally love over there. There are many things that frustrate me here, that frustrate me over there. There are things that I can accomplish here that I can over there. There is no difference.

But why are we so consumed with the idea of consuming here in Canada and the western world in general? Why are we so comfortable with the idea of making money, getting that paycheck and then going home to watch Glee or drink ourselves stupid at the bar? Why is it that material objects are so appealing to us?  And then we spread it like a disease to parts of the world that don't even know what a map looks like. It makes me a bit uncomfortable to hear how much people buy whether for themselves or for their loved ones. As if buying it is the only way to show they love themselves or each other. I don't deny I buy things too. I can get caught up in the stream. My line of thinking goes a little like this: I'd like that camera so I can shoot videos with people. It's a really nice camera. I'd like that camera to take pictures of people and scenery so then I can blow it up big and put it on my wall.. or paint it. I'd like that printer so that I can print those pictures myself at any time I want without leaving the house. I'd like that apartment so that I can set up my studio so that I can take pictures, make video and print things whenever I want and not have to leave the house.

I'd like...

I realize money isn't everything, but it is a tool to achieve what I want. I like to be creative and unfortunately in this world it requires money to be creative. Unfortunately in this world what they market to me to be creative... wins. But it's not so bad when you understand it. You aren't in control. The media is. The T.V. is. The internet is. You are told what to buy, sell, eat, wear.. etc.
I understand all of this from taking small business and learning about advertising and marketing.

Well, the funny thing is.. I need all of that too. The simple truth, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."
So I am. I am in search of the perfect place and the perfect team that will allow me to create in all forms of art that I do now and yet, make a lot of money to achieve what I want.

It's like... taking my talent into the world of really rich people and taking the money that comes from them... and giving it to the poor. I have decided I am going to be a subtle, modern day Robin Hood.

The beauty of where I was showed me what I want to do. The beauty of where I am now showed me what I can do.

One step at a time.