Sunday, March 31, 2013

It wasn't too long ago...

Old photos
Taken at the happiest times,
When everything was new
And we remembered how to connect.
When petty problems were non-existent,
Because all we cared about was inhaling each others scent.
No music needed.
No cell phones.
No technology.
Just us,
The rise and fall of our breath,
The warmth of our embrace.
Nothing to keep us busy but ourselves.
We forgot how to take the time to soak in each others presence.
We let the daily stress overwhelm us.
We forgot how to laugh and play.
We forgot how to forget about the rest of the world when we looked in each others eyes.
But I remember everything with just one glimpse in the back of my minds eye.
How it felt.
One photo,
One song,
One scent.
There is nothing I would do different,
Because I experienced all of you -
Raw, open, cut, whole - you.
The very you that has left.
The very you that is hurt.
I still feel all of you because we are connected.
It's the only way we know how.
We just need to remember..
It wasn't that long ago.