Sunday, March 21, 2010

A tribute to Spring

My how wonderful you are
Bringing back the blossoms
Filling my ears with musical melodies from the sky
Melting the snow
Breathing in the high of Life
We once lay so dormant
I can't describe this stir I feel
Even though I am in a place
where Summer remains
And the months mold into one another
I close my eyes and you surround me
The coolness of your breath
The freshness of the air you bring
It's quite lovely
I'm so lucky to know this feeling
And even though it's beautiful here for so many reasons
I really, truly miss the changing of seasons
I miss you my dear
But kiss those near to you
Allow them to appreciate your touch
Allow them to bathe in your embrace
But save some, please
For me
Because I will return to you
Because I will never forget you
My dear Spring
How I miss you.