Friday, February 12, 2010

A page from the diary

I can tell you this in confidence because even if I were to share it with the world I wouldn't care.
Why care? Why take yourself so seriously when you don't even know who you are.
Do you know who you are? 
We are stars and I believe this because I saw it. 
I saw my friend suddenly become lit so brightly that I could almost not bear to watch.
But I kept my eyes open and the light became bearable enough for me to stay where I was and be in awe of such light. The result of her beauty was mind numbing and her brilliance even numbed me to silence. It was perfect to be inspired at such an uninspiring time.
When I walk around and see everyone the same as each other like lemmings,
doing only what the other in front does, so, to fit in. 
And I scream so loud on the inside. 
I am ripping up papers and smashing computers in my mind with a large iron crowbar.
I laugh at the sound of glass breaking, shattering all over the ground in tiny, tiny pieces.
And I wait patiently as these images fade
so that I can continue on with my smile to the world
And remind myself that they know not what they do. 
They are barely awake.
And their sleepiness can wear off on me...
So much that I must break away and take a breath 
and a moment to step back.
Far away.
And recollect myself so that I feel normal again.
Even if my normal may be crazy to others,
I do not care.
At least I can rejoin the world with peace and love in my heart.