Saturday, November 21, 2009


I'm not quite sure why I'm typing this right now. I've been sitting here for a minute, thinking.
Just about today. And everything I have learned over the past couple days.
I see it happening. I am simply an observer. An observer of Life who, at this moment, is
being wooed by her dreams. It is true, when you are searching for Love, you can see it.
Every day. Everywhere around you.
And when I was growing up I wanted nothing more than to be loved. To love and be loved.
So I have made it come true.

Winter is coming. I can feel it in the air.
And I can see it in just the way that the street lamps glow off the bare trees.
So lovely it seems.
And like the moon, whose tide comes and goes
As it goes from dark to full
I am reminded of why
Life is beautiful.

Good night.