Monday, October 19, 2009

mon amour..

Can it be so?
One can fall in love
And not know?
You can love someone
And not know you're in love?
There is no denying the heart,
When it chose from the start
Whom it couldn't bear to part.
Even if you tried.
Ah, denial.
Oblivious all the while,
When all the signs were apparent.
I walked blind,
Memories on my mind
And thinking, when is my time?
So silly of me, not to see.
But then again,
How could I know?
I had not yet grown.
I had no idea what love meant.
But in all this time that we've spent...
It's clear.
It was when I dropped all my fears
That I could grasp the concept
of love.
It took time,
But I know above all,
I needed to understand Love
before I could be in love.