Sunday, June 13, 2010

do-wop that thing

This is about that time when I would say something inspirational, but currently I have nothing because I am feeling the brunt of my demon and all I would like to do is beat it's little head in. So, instead of doing that I will focus on the main things I will bring on my trip around Thailand and Taipeii. Pen. Marker. Stickers. Sketchbook. Doodle-book. Things to make jewelry with.
Perhaps a book. Although I may just end up writing my own. 
Yes. Did you know that if you're feeling your demon that you should just put your mouth into a smile? I'm serious. It makes you feel happy, even when you aren't. 
It's the best thing ever. You know I really need the ridiculousness of my mind to balance my sane self out. I can't be so serious all the time. Jeez. 
Today I ate a wonderful meal and I wrote a song. That is all. Good-night.