Thursday, December 30, 2010

2K11 we're working on a mission...

 Hi everyone. Thank you for the continuous support. I've been slacking on the blogging, but I wanted to let everyone know that I am working hard to set up my business so I can do my art full-time and with the help of an angel sent to me from heaven: my girl friend Stephanie Pecho, we are working towards making DLG (DreamLoveGrow) a registered charitable organization so we can help children full-time too.

I've had enough of thinking about making my dreams come true, this year I'm going to give my heart and soul to making them come true, for me and for as many people and children that I can.

Not only is Stephanie helping, but I'm working with the Rhema Creatives, a group of dentists and doctors and musicians in Cebu, Philippines. With their help I am finding a way to give back to my country that I so graciously left at a young age. These amazing individuals already bring outreach programs to many, many communities and we're trying to help them achieve this together and on a slightly larger scale.

Our objectives and goals are geared towards bringing positivity and light to underprivileged children and communities with our creative and environmental outreach programs, as well as free dental and health care for the children and the elderly.

We have long-term objectives: an environmentally friendly CREATIVE LOVE MOBILE and a self-sustainable art center that provides a safe learning environment for children.

For more information, please visit our Group page:

The truth is, I don't know how much good I can do in this world, but all I know is I have people in my life that are willing to help and support me and I am so grateful and so very truly blessed.