Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's beautiful when it rains.

My second day in Thailand has been blissful. I packed in early last night because after 40 hours of no sleep, I was really beat. Anyway, it was around 10p.m. at night when I rested my head on the pillow and proceeded to get eaten alive my mosquitoes until I finally passed out. At around 2a.m. I was awaken by drunken boys on both sides of my room. To my left was a loud bunch of burping, wall-thumping individuals and to my right were a bunch of loud, Eminem-rapping boys. It's been a long time since I heard that much Eminem.
Anyway, as I lay awake wondering if I should make it back to Banana Bar to play a game of drunken Asshole with some new Canadians I had met earlier, the rain started to pour down. Hard.
In fact, so hard that I had to open the door of my room to peer outside, just to make sure everything was still in tact. Oh, but it was so lovely. Did I tell you how much I actually love the sound of rain pouring outside? And how much I love sleeping when it's raining. It rained all through the night and all through the next day, until about 2p.m., which I am proud to say is when I slept in until. Heaven.
Afterwards, my friend and I went to the villa and grabbed coconut donuts, which are SO delicious. It's literally pure coconuts, shaved and packed into this little round shaped metal thing, and then fried just enough so the outsides get crunchy. MMMMMMM. I want more.
Then, we went to this little tiny hut where they make the most amazing Pad Thai, I have ever in my life tasted. So fresh, so delicious and so addictive. It was only 70Baht for a plate.
Oh.. I have to interject here and just say that last night before passing out, I walked along the villa and over by the waters edge, where I found the most amazing store I have ever found. The man that worked there was Nepalese and he was so sweet. I bought 4 shirts for my friends. I decided if I'm going to buy anything here, it has to be for other people. And since I bought 4 new items, I have to leave 4 items behind. This is how I will maintain room in my luggage and keep myself from buying too many things. It's like a give and take situation that I've created for myself. I can't buy something, without giving something back.
Anyway... I then went to the beach and drew a picture for the manager of Banana Bar, because last night he was kind enough to give me a few Vodka Cranberries, and I decided that since I have no money, that the best way to thank people who give me things are with a picture. This is how I repayed the aiport service guy who I nearly smacked for getting too close.
Yes, so I drew a picture and I watched the sunset and the tide go out.
I felt the breeze hit my face. I sat there and I thought of how beautiful this place was, and how it was so much like a dream, it was unbelievable. Mountains on either side of me, meeting with the sky and a blue-green ocean directly ahead, reflecting the sun as it sank beneath the pastel coloured clouds. Heaven really is on Earth.
The Canadians were there too and this time I had my sketchbook and the pretty redhead girl asked if she could take a look at it. This particular sketchbook has more mindless writings than pictures, and I was a little shy at first, but afterwards I shared it with her. She thanked me and told me that after she was done, she felt inspired to pick up her sketchbook back home again, since she hadn't done so in years.
I told her yes, she should.
I also have a 9 blank stickers that I was going to colour and draw pictures on and I asked her if she would like to draw something on one of them. I was going to give them out to some of the children here.
I am now back at Banana Bar, blogging again, but I am about to get whisked away by the Canadians to grab a bucket of beer at some one of the stalls and chill.
I really don't plan to drink.. but.. when in Thailand.
And, relationships are more important in the long run.