Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The alarm goes off at 5:45am. I roll over with a groggy head and silent the alarm on my phone. I know it will go off in 10 minutes time. I am so content where I am right now. I can feel the warm body next to me and I sigh happily as I turn into his side and fall back into a doze feeling him wrap his arm around me. We slumber comfortably until the alarm goes off again. With frustration I silence the horrible sound again. Why can't time just stand still right now? But I know it is inevitable that we must both go to work, so I try to cherish every minute I have. It feels so... nice. Have I ever woken up this happy? What did I do to deserve this? We shift positions and I turn with my back to him and smile as he moves in closer, to fill the space behind me. The alarm goes off again. I shut it off. This goes on for almost an hour. My day has started off in the best possible way.