Thursday, January 14, 2010

What the new year has brought me thus far...

By midnight I was flying over the Pacific Ocean with other Filipino's trying to get back home. It was a 30 hour flight and going through Manila would have been difficult had I not had an angel guide me through. I really am lucky and more and more I realize just how fortunate I am. I think my gratitude grows more everyday. Being with my family has really struck a cord with me. I am observing who I am by observing who they are. I recognize a small loss by growing up in a culture so different from my place of birth, but at the same time I have a great gain by the knowledge I have obtained through my experience in Canada. I came back to the Philippines to return to my roots, to see where I came from, to experience my family as much as I can.. to make up for lost time, but also to open my eyes. How can I ever complain when I see their struggles to survive and their daily life. I feel comfortable in this environment, I can feel it soaking into me. I embrace all of the culture, the life, the attitude, the people and I accept this world as it is. No place is perfect, but it is perfect right down to the core of my heart.

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