Thursday, January 14, 2010

My new intern position..

So, a few months ago I had been feeling a little unhappy. Deep inside me I knew I needed to get out and experience something new. I had been talking to a photographer by the name of Mick Gleissner whom I knew had situated himself in Cebu, Philippines. Coincidentally, just exactly where my family lived. About a year ago I received an e-mail about an intern position that had opened up at Bigfoot Studios. I couldn't go because I had still not completed my apprenticeship. However, almost a year later after the completion of my apprenticeship, I received another e-mail about another internship that was available. Again, I could not go due to my tight work schedule. This was about the time that something in me had began to itch... I wanted to go. I wanted to move on.. and perhaps this was my chance. So.. after much thought, I decided I would take the opportunity to visit my family and during my stay, I would make a visit to Bigfoot. 

2 weeks later, I'm sitting in the Bigfoot office being greeted by the Director Mick Gleissner. Welcome aboard he says. Here is footage of my first time ever being in Bigfoot... somehow I managed to be included in a 24HR video competition that the interns were doing. Click the link below:

Nobody But You (Bigfoot Studios)

So, this is my life now. A Production intern at Bigfoot Studios where I will be able to nurture my creativity, work with talented people from all over the world and experience something I would have never been able to experience had I not followed my heart.

To follow us more closely, visit:

TV Bigfoot YouTube Channel 

See you later Canada... I've returned home.

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