Saturday, September 19, 2009

Intermission... A Note on Friendship

I was just about to sit down and recall a memory of when I was about 6 years old, when my phone rang. Let me first explain to you that the caller on the other end was someone whom I had figured had removed herself from my life for reasons unknown to me... but she explained, while I patiently listened, all the reasons as to why she had vanished out of my life for almost half a year. We have both grown so much, and changed so much even in that tiny window of time. And to be taking the time to have a conversation of pure honesty is so refreshing. Friendships are relationships. We must remember that any relationship worth keeping is a relationship worth the time and effort of maintaining, for better and for worse. Meaning, if you choose the people in your life wisely and you choose to love them, then you must love them unconditionally. You must let them go if you have to, you must remain nonjudgmental in their choices, and you must always keep your heart open to them. And this is a practice. A constant awareness. These friends will be able to teach you things about yourself, while reminding you to have gratitude because these types of friends do not come easily and are far and few between.

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True Love is Unconditional.